

Malayan Science highlights roles of families, importance of COVID-19 vaccination in webinar

Monday, February 28, 2022

Dr. Marimel G. Reyes-Pagcatipunan, an infectious disease specialist, talks about COVID-19 and vaccination and addresses parents on the roles of families in mitigating the pandemic.

Boosting the country’s efforts in eradicating the pandemic and helping fight the battle against misinformation, Malayan High School of Science (MHSS) gathered students, parents, and teaching and non-teaching staff in the webinar “COVID-19 Vaccines 101: What Families Need to Know” held last January 26 and February 24.

“Through COVID-19 vaccination, the country continues to mitigate the pandemic and transition into face-to-face work and school arrangements. We wanted to contribute to this development by helping build more trust among parents and unvaccinated individuals through awareness on the essential information about COVID-19 vaccines,” said Ms. Alyssa Claire T. Firmalo, MHSS guidance counselor and head of the organizing committee.

Facilitated by Dr. Marimel G. Reyes-Pagcatipunan, a pediatric infectious disease specialist, the webinar dealt with various topics about COVID-19 such as the relationship between coronavirus and the disease, the immune system’s response to vaccination, the science behind vaccine development, its efficacy and development, and the need for booster shots.

“In a pandemic, we need to use preventive tools rather than respond to the effects of the disease,” said Dr. Pagcatipunan. Vaccination remains to be one of the best tools in preventing the further spread of diseases, as it gives inoculated individuals protection from the virus and prevents hospitalization and death.

According to Dr. Pagcatipunan, families, especially the parents, play significant roles in controlling COVID-19 infections in their respective households and communities.

“Parents can influence and teach their children to take good care of themselves by being good examples and can encourage other family members to get vaccinated. Through good hygiene, masking, distancing, and vaccination, families contribute to their communities in preventing the further spread of the disease,” she said.

Dr. Pagcatipunan also noted the importance of getting accurate and truthful information about the COVID-19 disease and vaccination from credible sources.

“Misinformation and spreading fake news create distrust, confusion, and hesitancy to the measures and management of the disease. It is therefore very essential to get information from reliable sources, such as the academe, expert societies, and government agencies in charge of the pandemic control,” she said.